Higher Education Marketing Blogs Roundup  2024-07-18

Common themes:

  1. AI in Marketing:
    • Potential benefits of AI in higher education marketing.
    • Overcoming challenges like understanding, privacy concerns, and limited resources.
    • Importance of investing in AI technology, training, and collaboration.
  2. Alumni Email Marketing:
    • Effective strategies for engaging alumni via email.
    • Importance of personalization, segmentation, and goal-setting.
    • Integration with other communication channels.
  3. Student Recruitment:
    • Optimization strategies for the prospective student journey.
    • Personalized and targeted communication.
    • Strategies like content marketing, social media advertising, and email campaigns.
  4. SEO for Recruitment:
    • Importance of SEO in enhancing recruitment efforts.
    • Website optimization, keyword research, and content optimization.
    • Collaboration with academic departments and focusing on user experience.

Surprising points:

  1. AI in Marketing:
    • Emphasizing AI as a tool to enhance rather than replace human jobs.
    • Creating a culture that embraces AI and experimentation.
  2. Alumni Email Marketing:
    • Using alumni feedback to continuously improve strategies.
    • Offering exclusive benefits or discounts to enhance engagement.
  3. Student Recruitment:
    • Differentiated strategies for schools of varying sizes.
    • Importance of understanding students’ decision-making processes.
  4. SEO for Recruitment:
    • Emphasis on storytelling and emotional connections.
    • Collaboration with academic departments as part of SEO strategy.

Your Marketing Team Knows AI is the New Jackpot. What Hinders Its Growth: University Business




  • The article discusses the potential benefits of using artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing, particularly in the higher education sector.
  • AI can help improve targeting, personalization, automation, and decision-making in marketing campaigns.
  • However, there are several challenges that hinder the growth of AI in marketing, such as lack of understanding, data privacy concerns, and limited resources.
  • The article suggests that universities should invest in AI technology, train their marketing teams, and collaborate with AI experts to overcome these challenges.
  • It also emphasizes the importance of creating a culture that embraces AI and being willing to experiment with new approaches.

Background resources:

  • None mentioned in the article.

Unique/noteworthy positions by the author:

  • The author highlights that many universities are already using AI in various aspects, but its potential in marketing is yet to be fully realized.
  • The article suggests that universities should view AI not as a threat to human jobs, but rather as a tool to enhance marketing effectiveness.

Summary and takeaways:

  • AI has the potential to revolutionize marketing in the higher education sector by improving targeting, personalization, automation, and decision-making.
  • Lack of understanding, data privacy concerns, and limited resources hinder the growth of AI in marketing.
  • Universities should invest in AI technology, train their marketing teams, and collaborate with AI experts to overcome these challenges.
  • Embracing AI and being open to experimentation are crucial for success in utilizing AI in marketing.

“🤖🎯 AI is the jackpot! Overcome challenges: understanding, privacy, resources. Invest, train, collaborate. #AIinMarketing #HigherEd”

Mastering University Alumni Email Marketing Strategies

Higher Education Marketing


  • The article discusses effective strategies for email marketing to university alumni.
  • It emphasizes the importance of segmenting the alumni email list to deliver personalized and relevant content.
  • The author suggests using alumni data from various sources to create targeted campaigns.
  • The article highlights the significance of establishing goals and objectives for alumni email marketing campaigns.
  • It emphasizes the need to track and analyze email metrics to measure the success of the campaigns.
  • The author recommends integrating email marketing with other communication channels for a holistic approach.
  • The article provides tips for creating compelling email content, including storytelling and incorporating multimedia.
  • It suggests offering exclusive benefits or discounts to alumni to enhance engagement.
  • The author underscores the value of soliciting feedback from alumni through surveys and using it to improve email marketing strategies.


  • Segmenting the alumni email list and delivering personalized content is vital for successful email marketing campaigns.
  • Set measurable goals and regularly analyze email metrics to assess the effectiveness of campaigns.
  • Integrate email marketing with other communication channels for a comprehensive approach.
  • Use storytelling, multimedia, and exclusive benefits to engage alumni.
  • Solicit feedback from alumni to continuously improve email marketing strategies.

“🎓💼 Boost alumni engagement with targeted emails! Personalized content and analytics help universities thrive. #AlumniEngagement #EmailMarketing”

The Prospective Student Journey: Marketing Optimizations for Schools of All Sizes – Advance Education

Advance Education



  • The article discusses marketing strategies for schools to optimize the prospective student journey.
  • It highlights the importance of understanding students’ needs, preferences, and decision-making process.
  • Different stages of the student journey, from awareness to enrollment, are explored.
  • The author emphasizes the significance of personalized and targeted communication in attracting and engaging students.
  • Strategies such as content marketing, social media advertising, and email campaigns are suggested for effective student recruitment.
  • The article also considers the unique challenges and opportunities faced by schools of different sizes.
  • Background resources cited include industry reports, case studies, and marketing research.

Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author emphasizes the need for schools to tailor their marketing efforts to suit the preferences and behaviors of prospective students.
  • Personalization and targeted communication are highlighted as key factors for success in student recruitment.
  • Differentiated marketing strategies are suggested for schools of varying sizes, taking into account their specific resources and limitations.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Understanding the prospective student journey is crucial for schools to optimize their marketing efforts.
  • Personalized and targeted communication is essential throughout the entire student journey.
  • Strategies such as content marketing, social media advertising, and email campaigns can be effective for student recruitment.
  • Schools must adapt their marketing strategies based on their size and available resources.
  • The article provides actionable insights and suggests further resources for schools looking to improve their marketing optimizations.

“🎓📈 Optimize student recruitment with personalized marketing! Tailor strategies to student preferences. 🎯📣 #StudentJourney #MarketingSuccess”

Gain Recruitment SEO Insights From Will Scott’s Recent UPCEA Blog Post




  • Will Scott, CEO of Search Influence, recently wrote a blog post for UPCEA about recruitment SEO insights.
  • The article highlights the importance of optimizing websites to attract and engage potential students in order to enhance recruitment efforts.
  • Scott provides valuable strategies and tips to improve organic visibility, website structure, and content optimization.
  • He emphasizes the significance of keyword research, creating targeted landing pages, and leveraging social media platforms for recruitment SEO.
  • The author also suggests collaborating with academic departments, using storytelling techniques, and focusing on user experience to drive recruitment success.
  • Scott’s insights are based on his extensive experience in recruitment SEO and aim to help educational institutions improve their online presence and attract the right students.

Background Resources:

  • The blog post references the author’s previous article on understanding Google’s E-A-T guidelines.
  • No other background resources are cited in the article.

Unique/Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author stresses the role of storytelling and emotional connections in recruitment SEO, which may set him apart from other SEO professionals.
  • Scott emphasizes the importance of user experience and collaboration with academic departments in the recruitment process.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Will Scott’s UPCEA blog post provides valuable insights into recruitment SEO.
  • Educational institutions can improve their online presence and attract the right students by optimizing their websites, conducting keyword research, and leveraging social media platforms.
  • Collaboration with academic departments, storytelling techniques, and focusing on user experience are also crucial for recruitment success.
  • By following these strategies, institutions can enhance their organic visibility and engage potential students effectively.

“🔎💼 Unlock #SEO for education recruitment! Insights from Will Scott. Optimize content, use #socialmedia, and connect emotionally. #HigherEd”