Higher Education Marketing Blogs Roundup  2024-07-25

Common themes:

  1. Importance of Digital Marketing Tools:
    • Blogging, content management systems (CMS), and SEO as essential for marketing success.
    • Leveraging data and analytics to improve marketing strategies.
  2. Targeted and Personalized Content:
    • Personalization and relevancy in content creation.
    • Tailoring marketing efforts to specific audiences (students, alumni, etc.).
  3. Optimization and Continuous Improvement:
    • Importance of regular updates and optimizations (websites, content, strategies).
    • Continuous data collection and analysis to enhance performance.
  4. Lead Generation and Conversion:
    • Strategies to attract, engage, and convert prospective students or customers.
    • Emphasis on optimizing user experience and calls-to-action.

Surprising points:

  1. Educational Blogging:
    • Engaging not just students, but parents, alumni, and other stakeholders through blogs.
    • Using a mix of evergreen and timely content.
  2. Lead Generation:
    • Importance of vetting internet lead providers.
    • Campus events as a significant source of leads.
  3. Graduate Marketing:
    • Benchmarking against peer institutions and industry standards.
    • Aligning marketing goals with overall institutional goals.
  4. Content Management:
    • Implementing CMS platforms like WordPress and Drupal for efficiency.
    • The ongoing nature of content management requiring continuous improvement.
  5. University Website Optimization:
    • Emphasis on user-centric design for increasing conversions.
    • Utilizing analytics and feedback tools for performance tracking.
  6. Content Marketing:
    • Focus on customer-centric content and storytelling.
    • Challenges of content overload and standing out from the competition.

Educational Content Marketing: Unlock The Power Of Blogging

Higher Education Marketing



  • The article discusses the importance of blogging in educational marketing and how it can benefit educational institutions.
  • It highlights the potential of blogging to attract and engage prospective students, establish thought leadership, and strengthen brand recognition.
  • Blogging helps in building trust, increasing website traffic, and improving SEO rankings.
  • The article provides examples of successful educational blogs and offers tips for creating engaging content, optimizing posts for search engines, and promoting blogs on social media.
  • It emphasizes the need for consistent and regular blogging with a focus on relevant and valuable content to achieve the desired results.
  • The author also addresses common challenges faced in educational blogging, such as generating ideas and maintaining a consistent publishing schedule.
  • Several background resources are cited throughout the article, including statistics, case studies, and external articles from reputable sources.

Unique or Noteworthy Positions:

  • The article highlights the power of educational blogging to not only attract prospective students but also to engage parents, alumni, and other stakeholders.
  • It emphasizes the need for educational institutions to incorporate blogging as a strategic marketing tool and invest in developing a robust content marketing strategy.
  • The author suggests using a mix of evergreen and timely content to cater to different audience needs and interests.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Blogging plays a crucial role in educational marketing by attracting and engaging prospective students, establishing thought leadership, and enhancing brand visibility.
  • Educational institutions should invest in creating valuable content regularly and optimizing posts for search engines to maximize the impact of blogging.
  • Successful educational blogs provide relevant and valuable content, incorporate multimedia elements, and leverage social media for promotion.
  • Consistency and quality are key in educational blogging, and overcoming challenges such as idea generation and maintaining a regular publishing schedule is essential.
  • A well-executed educational blog can drive website traffic, improve search engine rankings, strengthen brand recognition, and ultimately contribute to student recruitment and retention.

“📚💡 Unlock educational blogging! 🖥️📝 Attract students, boost recognition, and enhance thought leadership. 🎓👩‍🎓 #EducationMarketing #BloggingTips”

6 Common Grad and Adult Lead Gen Sources Demystified




  • The article explores six common lead generation sources for graduate and adult education programs.
  • It provides insights into each source, including their advantages, limitations, and best practices.
  • The author emphasizes the need for a diversified lead generation strategy to maximize enrollment success.
  • Unique positions taken by the author include highlighting the benefits and challenges of each source.

Background resources cited in the article:

  • Internal data and analysis from EAB research.

Noteworthy positions taken by the author:

  • High-quality internet lead providers offer a valuable source of prospective students but require careful vetting.
  • Social media advertising provides a cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience but may require ongoing optimization.
  • Campus events can be a powerful source of lead generation but should focus on showcasing program value and fostering connections.

Summary and takeaways:

  • The article provides insights into common lead generation sources used by graduate and adult education programs.
  • It emphasizes the importance of diversifying lead generation strategies to maximize enrollment.
  • It offers practical advice for leveraging each source while highlighting their benefits and limitations.
  • The author underscores the need for ongoing evaluation and optimization to maintain effective lead generation.
  • Takeaways include the significance of vetting internet lead providers, optimizing social media advertising, and leveraging events as valuable lead generation sources.

“🎓 Unravel lead generation for grad and adult education! Tips for success. Diversify and optimize. #HigherEd #LeadGen”

Grad Marketing Benchmarks and Forecasting

Carnegie—Higher Ed Marketing & Enrollment



  • This article discusses the importance of using marketing benchmarks and forecasting in graduate education institutions.
  • It emphasizes the need for continuous data collection and analysis to enhance marketing strategies and improve enrollment outcomes.
  • The author highlights the benefits of benchmarking against peer institutions and industry standards.
  • Various marketing metrics, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and cost per lead, are explained in the context of graduate education marketing.
  • The article also touches on the challenges of accurate forecasting in a dynamic and competitive market.

Background Resources:

  • The article does not cite any background resources.

Unique/Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author emphasizes the significance of benchmarking against peer institutions and competitors to understand marketing performance.
  • It suggests that graduate education institutions should adopt a data-driven approach and invest in technologies that facilitate ongoing data collection and analysis.
  • The article argues for the alignment of marketing goals with overall institutional goals, such as increasing enrollment and improving student success.

Summary & Takeaways:

  • Marketing benchmarks and forecasting are essential for graduate education institutions to enhance marketing strategies and achieve enrollment goals.
  • Continuous data collection and analysis, benchmarking against peer institutions, and using industry standards are crucial elements of effective marketing.
  • Understanding key marketing metrics, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and cost per lead, helps optimize marketing efforts.
  • Accurate forecasting in a dynamic market can be challenging, requiring careful analysis of historical data, market trends, and competitive factors.
  • Institutions should prioritize data-driven decision-making and invest in technology that facilitates data collection and analysis.

“Graduate institutions must use benchmarks 📈 and forecasting 🔍 to improve enrollment 🎓📊💼 #HigherEdMarketing #DataDrivenDecisionMaking”

Content Management: What is it and Why is it Important?




  • The article explores the concept of content management and its significance in the digital era.
  • Content management refers to the process of organizing, storing, and distributing content effectively.
  • It discusses the challenges businesses face in managing content and the benefits of implementing a content management system (CMS).
  • The author emphasizes the importance of content management in achieving organization, collaboration, and efficiency in content creation and distribution.
  • The article cites examples of popular CMS platforms like WordPress and Drupal as effective tools for content management.
  • It provides practical tips for businesses to improve their content management practices, including content audits, user-focused content creation, and the use of metadata.
  • The author highlights the role of effective content management in enhancing customer experience, optimizing SEO, and increasing website traffic.
  • The article concludes with a reminder that content management is an ongoing process that requires dedication and continuous improvement.


  • Content management is crucial for businesses to organize, store, and distribute content effectively.
  • Implementing a content management system (CMS) can address challenges in content management.
  • Effective content management enhances organization, collaboration, and efficiency in content creation and distribution.
  • Popular CMS platforms like WordPress and Drupal offer powerful tools for content management.
  • Practical tips include content audits, user-focused content creation, and the use of metadata.
  • Effective content management improves customer experience, SEO, and website traffic.
  • Content management requires ongoing dedication and continuous improvement.

“💡 Effective content management ensures efficient, organized content creation. Use WordPress or Drupal! 📝✨ #ContentManagement #CMS”

Optimizing Your University Website for Maximum Conversions




  • In this article, the author discusses the importance of optimizing university websites to maximize conversions and achieve desired outcomes.
  • The author emphasizes the significance of a university website as a key marketing tool, highlighting the need to create a user-friendly experience that leads to conversions.
  • Various factors that can impact website conversions are explored, including design, content, navigation, and calls-to-action.
  • The author provides practical tips and strategies for optimizing different elements of a university website to increase conversions, such as using compelling headlines, incorporating clear and concise content, utilizing responsive design, and implementing effective calls-to-action.
  • The article also offers insights on leveraging analytics and feedback to track and improve website performance, as well as the importance of continuous testing and optimization.

Background Resources:

  • No specific background resources are cited in the article.
  • However, the author mentions the use of web analytics and feedback tools for website optimization.

Unique or Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author highlights the significance of a university website as a powerful marketing tool that can directly impact conversions and student acquisition.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of user-centric design and providing a seamless experience to website visitors in order to increase conversions.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Optimizing university websites for maximum conversions is crucial for achieving desired outcomes and increasing student acquisition.
  • Key factors that impact website conversions include design, content quality, navigation, and calls-to-action.
  • Practical tips and strategies for optimizing different elements of a university website are provided, such as using compelling headlines, clear and concise content, responsive design, and effective calls-to-action.
  • Leveraging web analytics and feedback tools can help track and improve website performance, while continuous testing and optimization are essential for ongoing success.

“🎓🌐 Higher ed marketing: Optimize your website to boost conversions and student acquisition! #HigherEdMarketing #WebsiteOptimization”

Content Marketing: A Key Strategy for Business Growth and Success




  1. Introduction:
    • The importance of content marketing for business growth and success.
    • How content marketing can help businesses establish their authority and attract customers.
  2. Key principles of content marketing:
    • Creating valuable and relevant content.
    • Understanding the target audience and their needs.
    • Using storytelling and engaging formats.
    • Leveraging SEO and social media.
  3. Benefits of content marketing:
    • Establishing brand authority and credibility.
    • Increasing organic website traffic and search engine rankings.
    • Building and nurturing customer relationships.
    • Boosting lead generation and conversions.
    • Generating cost-effective and long-lasting results.
  4. Challenges and solutions in content marketing:
    • Overcoming content overload and standing out from the competition.
    • Developing a strong content strategy and consistent execution.
    • Measuring and analyzing content performance.
    • Adapting to evolving trends and consumer preferences.
  5. Noteworthy positions taken by the author:
    • Emphasizing the importance of customer-centric content and storytelling.
    • Highlighting the need for data-driven analysis and optimization.
  6. Takeaways:
    • Content marketing is a critical strategy for business growth and success.
    • Creating valuable and relevant content attracts and retains customers.
    • Consistent execution, data analysis, and adaptation are key to content marketing success.

“📢 Content marketing is the 🗝️ to business 💥! Use valuable, data-driven content to convert. #ContentMarketing #BusinessGrowth”