Inbound Marketing Tools for Higher Education – A Must-Have List

essential tools for higher education inbound marketing

Sure, you could continue to rely solely on traditional marketing tools for your higher education institution, if you're keen on becoming a marketing dinosaur. But let's face it, in today's fast-paced digital age, you need to be agile, innovative, and forward-thinking. If you're part of a higher education institution, you're aware that your prospective students … Read more

Leveraging Alumni Stories in Higher Education Content Marketing

highlighting alumni success stories

Just as a lighthouse guides ships safely to shore, alumni stories can be a beacon for potential students considering their higher education journey. You're aware of the power of storytelling in marketing, but have you considered the untapped potential of your institution's alumni? These stories, filled with triumphs, challenges, and personal growth, can become a … Read more

The Role of Storytelling in Higher Education Content Marketing

storytelling in higher education

Consider the 'Harvard Business Review'. They've mastered the art of storytelling in their content marketing, often weaving compelling narratives that keep their audience engaged. You might wonder why a prestigious publication in the realm of higher education would choose to employ such a strategy. Well, it's not just about selling subscriptions or advertising space. Storytelling … Read more

Content Marketing Trends in Higher Education – What's Working in 2024

2024 higher education content marketing trends

Did you know that by the end of 2024, 80% of higher education institutions are expected to use some form of content marketing in their communication strategies? You're probably wondering what's driving this dramatic shift. Well, as the digital landscape continues to expand and evolve, universities and colleges are recognizing the immense potential of content … Read more

Maximizing Impact With Higher Education Content Marketing – a Comprehensive Guide

maximizing higher education marketing

Just as a gardener carefully curates the soil and selects the right seeds to yield a rich harvest, you too must strategically cultivate your higher education content marketing. By identifying your target audience, creating impactful content strategies, harnessing the power of social media platforms, and regularly monitoring and improving content performance, you'll be able to … Read more

Schools Boost Prospects With Inbound Marketing

Imagine you’re at the helm of a ship, and that ship is your school. Your mission? To navigate through the vast ocean of marketing strategies, battling against the currents of budget constraints and choppy waves of competition, to reach the promising shores of increased student enrollment and heightened school reputation. Inbound marketing, my friend, could … Read more