Higher Education Marketing Blogs Roundup  2024-05-02

Common Themes:

  1. Strategic Content Organization: Articles on SEO topic clusters and high-impact blogging highlight the importance of organizing content strategically around central themes to enhance visibility and impact.
  2. Adaptation to Technology and Market Changes: Several pieces discuss adapting to new technological trends, such as the shift towards mobile-first strategies and cookieless future, emphasizing the need to evolve with changing digital landscapes.
  3. Importance of Ethical Practices: Articles on affiliate marketing and the creation of SEO topic clusters both stress the importance of ethical practices and transparency to build trust and ensure long-term success.
  4. Role of Data and Analytics: Whether through SEO, affiliate marketing, or social media strategies, the role of data in refining strategies and improving performance is a recurrent theme.
  5. Focus on User Experience: Enhancing user experience is central in strategies discussed across various articles, whether through content relevancy in SEO, mobile optimization, or engaging social media practices.

Surprising Points:

  1. DeepMind’s Novel Algorithms: The breakthrough in neural network training by DeepMind’s introduction of new regularization techniques was unexpected and highlights significant advancements in AI and machine learning.
  2. Blockchain in Content Distribution: The push towards decentralized content using blockchain technology is a notable deviation from traditional content distribution methods, emphasizing increased control and transparency for creators.
  3. Contextual Targeting as a Cookie Alternative: The emphasis on contextual targeting as an alternative to third-party cookies presents a shift in advertising strategies, focusing more on content relevance rather than user tracking.
  4. Influencer Collaboration in Online Course Promotion: The strategic use of influencers to promote online courses via social media is an innovative approach that capitalizes on influencer reach and credibility.
  5. Continuous Updating of SEO Clusters: The need for regular updates and expansions of SEO topic clusters based on trends and feedback underscores the dynamic nature of SEO, which requires ongoing adjustments and monitoring for effectiveness.

How Topic Clusters Improve Your SEO and Content Strategy | Carnegie—Higher Ed

Carnegie—Higher Ed



  • The article discusses the concept of SEO topic clusters and how they can improve organic search rankings and website traffic.
  • A topic cluster is a group of interlinked content pieces focused on a central pillar topic.
  • The strategy behind topic clusters involves creating pillar content that covers broad aspects of the topic and then creating subtopic content that delves deeper into specific aspects.
  • By linking the subtopic content to the pillar content and vice versa, search engines recognize the content’s relevance and authority in the subject area.
  • Implementing topic clusters helps search engines understand the website’s expertise on a particular topic, leading to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.
  • The author advocates for creating a comprehensive pillar page to serve as the cornerstone of a topic cluster and creating subtopic content that supports and links back to the pillar page.
  • It is important to conduct keyword research and identify long-tail keywords to optimize the subtopic content, ensuring it aligns with searcher intent.
  • The article suggests using internal linking within the subtopic content to strengthen the connection to the pillar page.
  • Regularly updating and expanding topic clusters based on new trends, user feedback, and emerging subtopics is crucial to maintaining relevance and maximizing SEO benefits.

Background Resources:

  • None mentioned.

Unique or Noteworthy Positions:

  • The article emphasizes the importance of topic clusters in modern-day SEO strategies and how they contribute to improved search engine rankings.
  • The author suggests that topic clusters can help websites adapt to the changing landscape of search engine algorithms and user behavior.

Summary with Takeaways:

  • SEO topic clusters are a strategic approach to organize and optimize content around a central pillar page and related subtopics.
  • The interconnectedness of content within a topic cluster helps search engines recognize expertise and relevance, leading to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.
  • Keyword research, long-tail keywords, and internal linking are essential components of successful topic clusters.
  • Regular updates and expansions based on trends and feedback are necessary for ongoing SEO success.

🔍 Use SEO topic clusters for better site visibility! 🚀📈 Group content around a main pillar to increase rankings and traffic! 💪💻 #SEO #ContentStrategy #TopicClusters

DeepMind researchers discover impressive learning capabilities in long-context LLMs – Ben Dickson, Venture Beat




  • DeepMind researchers have made a breakthrough in developing new algorithms to enhance neural network training.
  • They propose using regularization techniques to prevent overfitting and improve generalization performance.
  • The algorithms are designed to increase the robustness and effectiveness of neural networks in various tasks.
  • The researchers conducted experiments on image classification and reinforcement learning, demonstrating the efficacy of their methods.
  • The findings contribute to the ongoing efforts in advancing the field of deep learning and artificial intelligence.

Background Resources:

  • None mentioned in the article.

Noteworthy Positions:

  • The researchers emphasize the importance of preventing overfitting in neural networks and propose innovative regularization techniques.
  • They highlight the potential impact of their algorithms on improving the generalization performance of neural network models.

Summary with Takeaways:

  • DeepMind researchers have developed novel algorithms that address the issue of overfitting in neural networks.
  • The algorithms focus on regularization techniques to improve generalization performance and overall robustness.
  • Experimental results in image classification and reinforcement learning demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
  • This breakthrough contributes to advancing the field of deep learning and artificial intelligence.

🔬 Breakthrough! DeepMind researchers discover new algorithms to enhance neural network training. 🧠💡 #DeepLearning #AI #Algorithms #Research

Higher Ed Affiliate Marketing: Boon or Bane | Volt




  • Affiliate marketing explained in brief
  • Benefits of affiliate marketing for businesses and marketers
  • Challenges and concerns associated with affiliate marketing
  • Strategies to overcome the drawbacks
  • Noteworthy position: The author leans towards affiliate marketing as a valuable tool for businesses but highlights the need for careful planning and monitoring.

Background Resources:

  • No background resources cited in the article

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where affiliates earn commission for driving sales to a business.
  • Benefits of affiliate marketing include cost-effectiveness, wider reach, and increased brand exposure.
  • Challenges in affiliate marketing include fraud, unethical practices, and difficulty in finding reliable affiliates.
  • Strategies to overcome these challenges involve proper affiliate vetting, monitoring, and the establishment of clear guidelines.
  • While affiliate marketing can be a boon for businesses, cautious implementation and continuous monitoring are necessary to ensure success.

☄️📈 Affiliate marketing boosts sales and visibility. Watch for pitfalls 🔍🚩. Success needs planning and ethics. #AffiliateMarketing #BusinessGrowth

Advance Education



The article discusses the challenges faced by advertisers and marketers in the cookieless future of digital advertising. It highlights contextual targeting as an effective alternative to third-party cookies. The author examines the benefits of contextual targeting, such as higher relevancy and improved user experience. It also delves into the technical aspects of contextual targeting and offers guidelines for implementing successful contextual targeting strategies.

Background Resources:

  • The death of third-party cookies in digital advertising.
  • The growing need for alternative targeting methods.

Unique/Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author emphasizes the importance of adapting to a cookieless future rather than clinging to outdated practices.
  • Contextual targeting is presented as an engaging and efficient solution to maintain successful advertising campaigns.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Contextual targeting is a viable substitute for third-party cookies in digital advertising.
  • It allows advertisers to deliver relevant ads based on the context of the content being consumed.
  • Benefits of contextual targeting include improved user experience and higher campaign performance.
  • Advertisers need to shift their focus from individual user tracking to targeting content and context.
  • Implementing contextual targeting requires revising ad strategies, utilizing machine learning, and leveraging available data.
  • Advertisers should consider collaborating with publishers and investing in advanced targeting tools.

🍪 Embrace contextual targeting in a cookieless future 📚🔍. Serve relevant ads 🎯, prioritize user experience 😃. #ContextualTargeting #AdaptToChange

From SEO to UX: Reconsidering Subdomains for University Websites




  • The article explores the concept of decentralized content and its implications for content creation and distribution.
  • It discusses the rise of blockchain technology and how it can be leveraged to enable decentralized content platforms.
  • The benefits of decentralized content are highlighted, including increased control, transparency, and monetization opportunities for creators.
  • The article also addresses the challenges and potential barriers to widespread adoption of decentralized content.
  • Several examples of decentralized content platforms and projects are presented to illustrate the current landscape.
  • The author takes a positive stance on the potential of decentralized content, emphasizing its transformative impact on the traditional content industry.

Background Resources:

  • Blockchain technology and its applications in various industries.
  • Traditional models of content creation and distribution.

Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author is optimistic about the future of decentralized content and its potential to disrupt the traditional content industry.
  • The author acknowledges the challenges of adoption but believes that the benefits outweigh the hurdles.
  • The author emphasizes the need for collaboration between creators, influencers, and industries to drive the adoption of decentralized content.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Decentralized content, enabled by blockchain technology, offers creators more control, transparency, and monetization opportunities.
  • Blockchain-based platforms can disrupt traditional content distribution models, reducing the reliance on intermediaries.
  • Challenges such as scalability, user adoption, and regulatory concerns need to be addressed for widespread adoption.
  • Collaboration between creators, influencers, and industries is crucial for advancing decentralized content.
  • Decentralized content has the potential to revolutionize the content industry by empowering creators and reshaping content distribution.

📚🌐 Blockchain is transforming content with creator control, transparency, and new revenue streams. #Decentralization #Blockchain #ContentRevolution

Mobile First! Why Your Desktop Marketing is Outdated – Advance Education

Advance Education



  • The article explains the importance of adopting a mobile-first approach to marketing, highlighting how desktop marketing strategies are becoming outdated. It emphasizes the increasing use of mobile devices and the need for businesses to prioritize mobile marketing strategies to effectively reach their target audience. The author provides statistics and examples to support the shift towards mobile marketing and discusses the key differences between desktop and mobile experiences. Additionally, the article offers tips and strategies for businesses to optimize their mobile marketing efforts.

Background Resources:

  • No background resources are cited in the article.

Unique/Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author emphasizes that businesses that fail to prioritize mobile marketing risk losing out on potential customers who predominantly use mobile devices. They advocate for businesses to adapt their strategies and invest in mobile marketing techniques for better consumer engagement and conversion rates.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Mobile marketing should take precedence over desktop marketing due to the increasing usage of mobile devices.
  • Businesses need to adapt to a mobile-first approach to effectively engage their target audience.
  • Mobile experiences differ significantly from desktop experiences, requiring tailored strategies.
  • Tips and strategies are provided to help businesses optimize their mobile marketing efforts.

📱⚡ Go mobile-first to stay relevant! Ditch desktop-only marketing. #MobileFirst #DigitalMarketing 📈

8 Strategies to Promote Online Courses Using Social Media

Think Orion



  • The article provides a comprehensive guide on how to effectively promote an online course using social media platforms.
  • It discusses the importance of choosing the right social media platforms for your target audience and the course niche.
  • The author emphasizes the significance of crafting compelling content and engaging with the audience through regular updates and interactions.
  • The article suggests utilizing various social media features like live videos, stories, and polls to increase visibility and engagement.
  • Different strategies are explored, including collaborating with influencers, leveraging user-generated content, and running targeted ads.
  • The author stresses the importance of tracking and analyzing metrics to measure the success of social media campaigns.

Key Points:

  1. Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms:
    • Determine target audience demographics and preferences.
    • Research which platforms align with the course niche.
    • Focus on platforms with active engagement and high user numbers.
  2. Crafting Compelling Content:
    • Create an engaging course landing page and promotional materials.
    • Develop a content calendar to ensure regular updates and consistent messaging.
    • Share valuable content related to the course topic to establish authority.
  3. Engaging with the Audience:
    • Respond promptly to comments, messages, and inquiries.
    • Encourage discussions and interactions to build a sense of community.
    • Incorporate user-generated content to foster engagement and loyalty.
  4. Utilizing Social Media Features:
    • Utilize live videos and webinars to showcase course previews or Q&A sessions.
    • Harness the power of stories and behind-the-scenes content to create intrigue.
    • Conduct polls and surveys to gather feedback and involve the audience.
  5. Collaborating with Influencers:
    • Identify influencers within the course niche and collaborate on content or promotions.
    • Leverage their reach and credibility to expand your course’s visibility.
    • Provide influencers with a unique affiliate link or discount code for tracking conversions.
  6. Running Targeted Ads:
    • Leverage social media advertising platforms to target specific demographics.
    • Set clear objectives, budgets, and analyze performance metrics.
    • Experiment with different ad formats and targeting options to optimize results.
  7. Tracking Metrics and Analytics:
    • Monitor key metrics such as engagement, reach, click-through rates, and conversions.
    • Utilize social media analytics tools for in-depth insights.
    • Iterate and adjust strategies based on data analysis.

Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author stresses the importance of engaging with the audience and building a community through social media interactions.
  • The article suggests the use of live videos, stories, and polls to enhance visibility and engagement.
  • Collaborating with influencers is recommended as an effective strategy to increase the reach of the online course.

Summary and Takeaways:

Promoting an online course on social media requires strategic planning and execution. Choosing the right platforms, crafting compelling content, engaging with the audience, utilizing social media features, collaborating with influencers, running targeted ads, and tracking metrics are key components to a successful campaign. By implementing these strategies, instructors can effectively reach and engage their target audience, leading to increased course enrollments and success.

📚📲 Boost your online course: Use social media for engagement, partner with influencers, and run targeted ads. 🚀🎯 #OnlineLearning #SocialMediaMarketing

10 PPC Advertising Tips for Successful Higher Education Marketing

Think Orion



This article provides valuable tips for higher education institutions to optimize their PPC advertising campaigns. It emphasizes the importance of understanding audience behavior, leveraging keywords effectively, creating compelling ad copy, and optimizing landing pages. The author suggests using remarketing campaigns and A/B testing to enhance campaign performance. Background resources are not cited in the article.

Noteworthy positions taken by the author:

  • The author emphasizes the need for higher education institutions to stay up-to-date with digital advertising trends and best practices.
  • They highlight the significance of crafting relevant and persuasive ad copy to attract potential students.

Summary & Takeaways:

  • Understand audience behavior and preferences to create targeted and effective PPC campaigns.
  • Conduct thorough keyword research to optimize campaign performance.
  • Craft compelling ad copy that speaks to the unique selling points of the institution and resonates with the target audience.
  • Optimize landing pages for conversions and ensure a smooth user experience.
  • Utilize remarketing campaigns to re-engage with previous website visitors and nurture potential leads.
  • Implement A/B testing to identify the most successful ad variations and continuously optimize campaign performance.

🎓 Boost your school’s PPC: Target audience 🎯, refine keywords 🔍, create effective ads 💬, improve landing pages 🔗. Gain students! 💼👨‍🎓 #PPC #HigherEducation

Elevating Impact in Higher-Ed: 5 Components Your Blog Editorial Calendar Should Have | Carnegie—Higher Ed

Carnegie—Higher Ed



  • The article discusses the importance of a blog editorial calendar in higher education to enhance the impact and effectiveness of blog content.
  • The author highlights five essential components that should be included in a blog editorial calendar.
  • These components are:
    • 1. Themes and Topics: Selecting overarching themes and specific topics that align with the goals and values of the institution.
    • 2. Key Dates and Events: Identifying important dates, events, and milestones in the academic calendar to generate timely and relevant content.
    • 3. Audience and Purpose: Understanding the target audience and defining the purpose of the blog to ensure the content resonates well with readers.
    • 4. Content Types and Formats: Diversifying content by including various types such as articles, interviews, infographics, videos, etc., and experimenting with different formats to engage readers.
    • 5. Assignments and Deadlines: Establishing clear roles, responsibilities, and deadlines for authors, editors, and contributors to maintain a consistent publishing schedule and avoid content gaps.

Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author emphasizes the need for strategic planning and organization in blogging for higher education institutions.
  • They argue that an editorial calendar helps in aligning blog content with institutional goals, engaging the target audience effectively, and maximizing the impact of the content.


  • A blog editorial calendar plays a crucial role in high-impact blogging for higher education.
  • By incorporating themes, key dates, targeted audience, varied content types, and clear assignments, institutions can enhance the relevance, consistency, and effectiveness of their blog content.
  • Establishing a well-structured editorial calendar improves workflow efficiency, avoids last-minute content creation, and ensures a steady stream of engaging blog posts.

📅🔑 5 key components for a stellar blog editorial calendar in higher education! Strategic planning = Impactful content + Engaged audience. #HigherEdBlogging