Higher Education Marketing Blogs Roundup  2024-04-25

Common Themes

  1. Digital Marketing Emphasis: Many articles focus on leveraging digital channels, particularly social media and targeted online ads, to enhance marketing strategies and engage specific audiences.
  2. Data Utilization: The importance of using analytics and data-driven decision-making is a recurring theme, aiming to optimize various processes from advertising to enrollment strategies.
  3. Personalization and Segmentation: Personalizing content and tailoring strategies to specific segments of the audience, such as parents of K-12 students or prospective graduate students, are commonly discussed to increase engagement and effectiveness.
  4. Integration of Technology: There’s a strong emphasis on incorporating advanced technologies like AI and marketing automation tools to streamline processes and improve outcomes.
  5. Strategic Recommendations: Articles frequently provide actionable strategies and best practices for effectively managing marketing campaigns, from ad content to website design and enrollment management.

Surprising Points

  1. Broad Range of Digital Tools: The extensive and varied use of digital tools for engagement, from email campaigns to full-funnel marketing strategies, shows a sophisticated approach to digital marketing in education.
  2. AI in Enrollment Management: The integration of AI to enhance personalization in recruitment and retention strategies is a notable advancement in the use of technology within higher education marketing.
  3. Extensive Impact of Social Media: The specific effectiveness of Instagram and TikTok as platforms for reaching students, as highlighted by the survey, underlines the shift in media consumption habits and the significant influence of visual and short-form content.
  4. Focus on Conversions: The detailed attention given to optimizing landing pages and calls-to-action to improve conversion rates suggests a more commercial approach to educational outreach and student recruitment.
  5. Expertise at Conferences: The inclusion of specific industry leaders and the structuring of professional summits as key learning and networking events indicate a high level of professional development focused on contemporary marketing challenges in higher education.

Best Practices For Ads Targeting K-12 Students’ Parents

Higher Education Marketing



  • This article discusses the best practices for running ads that target K-12 students and their parents.
  • It emphasizes the importance of understanding the target audience and their needs to create effective advertisements.
  • The article suggests using digital platforms, such as social media and search engines, to reach and engage the target audience.
  • It highlights the significance of personalization in ads to resonate with parents and students.
  • The author provides recommendations for ad content, including focusing on benefits, highlighting unique selling points, and incorporating testimonials.
  • The article mentions the importance of having proper landing pages and call-to-action buttons to maximize conversions.
  • It also covers the use of analytics and tracking tools to measure the success of ads and make data-driven decisions.
  • The author provides additional resources and links to related articles for further reading.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the target audience and their needs to create effective ads.
  • Utilize digital platforms to reach and engage K-12 students and parents.
  • Personalize ads to resonate with the target audience.
  • Focus on benefits, unique selling points, and testimonials in ad content.
  • Ensure proper landing pages and call-to-action buttons for maximum conversions.
  • Use analytics and tracking tools to measure ad success and make data-driven decisions.

🎓💼 Targeting K-12 students & parents with ads? Learn best practices to engage the right audience, personalize content, and drive conversions! #EducationMarketing #K12Advertising

Webinar: Stop Wasting Budget – How to Get Better Digital Ad Results and Increase Satisfaction

Search Influence



  • Search Influence and UPCEA (the leading association for professional, continuing, and online education) are partnering to present a webinar on higher education marketing.
  • The webinar aims to provide strategies to improve digital ad results and increase satisfaction with digital advertising campaigns in the higher education sector.
  • The webinar will cover topics like targeting, ad optimization, tracking conversions, and aligning key performance indicators (KPIs) with campaign goals.
  • The speakers will share their expertise and insights, drawing from their experience in digital advertising for higher education clients.
  • The webinar is a valuable resource for higher education marketers looking to maximize their digital advertising ROI.

Background Resources:

No background resources are cited.

Noteworthy Positions:

The author does not present any unique or noteworthy positions in the article.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Search Influence and UPCEA are collaborating to present a webinar on improving digital ad results in higher education marketing.
  • The webinar will cover key strategies such as targeting, ad optimization, conversion tracking, and aligning KPIs with campaign goals.
  • Speakers, with extensive experience in digital advertising for higher education clients, will share their insights.
  • The webinar offers valuable advice and actionable steps for higher education marketers to enhance their digital advertising campaigns and increase satisfaction.


💡 Improve your higher ed digital ads with @SearchInfluence and @UPCEA’s webinar! Gain insights and strategies to enhance ROI. 🎓📈 #HigherEdMarketing #DigitalAd #Webinar

4 things graduate enrollment leaders want university presidents to know | EAB



Presidents to Know

  • In this article, the author discusses the key concerns and expectations of graduate enrollment leaders, highlighting their perspectives and suggestions for university presidents.
  • Graduate enrollment leaders emphasize the need for greater collaboration and communication with university presidents to drive enrollment success and address challenges.
  • The article points out four crucial areas that graduate enrollment leaders want university presidents to be aware of and take action on.
  • Understanding the Complexity: Graduate enrollment leaders stress the importance of university presidents understanding the complexity of the graduate enrollment landscape, including trends, market demands, and competition.
    • Graduate enrollment leaders believe that university presidents should be involved in shaping enrollment strategy and allocating necessary resources to support graduate programs.
    • University presidents should actively seek input from enrollment leaders, conduct thorough market research, and establish a comprehensive growth plan for graduate programs.
  • Enhancing Data-Driven Decision-making: Data plays a pivotal role in shaping successful graduate enrollment strategies, and university presidents should prioritize data-driven decision-making to improve outcomes.
    • Graduate enrollment leaders want university presidents to invest in data analytics tools and resources to gather insights on student preferences, market demands, and program performance.
    • Presidents need to work closely with enrollment teams to interpret data and make informed decisions regarding program development, recruitment, and financial aid.
  • Prioritizing Marketing and Recruitment: To attract and retain high-quality graduate students, university presidents need to prioritize marketing and recruitment efforts.
    • Graduate enrollment leaders request presidents to allocate adequate resources for targeted marketing campaigns, digital outreach, and engaging prospective students through personalized communication.
    • Collaboration between university leadership, enrollment teams, and marketing professionals is crucial for developing effective marketing strategies and branding initiatives.
  • Building Partnerships and Networks: Graduate enrollment leaders emphasize the significance of university presidents fostering partnerships and networks to strengthen enrollment strategies.
    • University presidents should actively engage with industry leaders, employers, and alumni networks to understand market needs and align their graduate programs accordingly.
    • By forming strategic partnerships, universities can create internships, job placement opportunities, and ensure their programs remain relevant and competitive.

Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author highlights the need for university presidents to actively collaborate with graduate enrollment leaders, understanding their perspectives and involving them in decision-making processes.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making, marketing efforts, and building partnerships to enhance graduate enrollment outcomes.


  • University presidents should familiarize themselves with the complex nature of graduate enrollment, seeking input from enrollment leaders and allocating necessary resources.
  • Data-driven decision-making, strategic marketing, and forging partnerships are crucial elements for successful graduate student recruitment and retention.

💡 University presidents: Work with grad enrollment leaders and use data-driven decisions, marketing, and partnerships for success. 🎓📈 #GradEnrollment #StudentRecruitment

Meet Enrollify Experts at the 2024 Engage Summit




  • The article introduces the 2024 Engage Summit, a conference that brings together higher education professionals to discuss enrollment strategies and marketing tactics.
  • The Engage Summit is organized by Enrollify, a company that specializes in enrollment marketing and provides resources and expertise to help colleges and universities attract and retain students.
  • The article highlights some of the Enrollify experts who will be speaking at the summit, including their background and areas of expertise.
  • The author emphasizes the value of attending the Engage Summit, citing previous attendee testimonials and the opportunity to learn from industry leaders.
  • The article mentions some of the topics that will be covered at the summit, such as data-driven enrollment marketing, student communication strategies, and student recruitment trends.
  • The author also mentions the networking opportunities available at the Engage Summit, allowing attendees to connect with colleagues and discuss best practices in enrollment marketing.

Unique/Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author highlights Enrollify’s expertise in the field of enrollment marketing and positions them as industry leaders.
  • The article emphasizes the value of attending the Engage Summit as a way to gain insights and learn from experts in the field.


  • The 2024 Engage Summit, organized by Enrollify, is a conference for higher education professionals to learn about enrollment strategies and marketing tactics.
  • Attendees have the opportunity to hear from Enrollify experts and industry leaders, network with colleagues, and gain valuable insights on data-driven enrollment marketing and student recruitment trends.
  • Attending the Engage Summit can help colleges and universities improve their enrollment strategies and attract and retain students.

Join #Enrollify at the 2024 Engage Summit to transform enrollment strategies and attract students 🎓📚. Learn from leaders and network! #HigherEd #EnrollmentMarketing

Parent & Student Survey 2024 Edition: Most Effective Digital Marketing Channels – Advance Education

Advance Education



Parent-Student Survey 2024 Edition: The Student-Most Effective Digital Marketing Channels

  • The article discusses the results of a parent-student survey conducted in 2024 to determine the most effective digital marketing channels for reaching students.
  • The survey includes responses from both parents and students, aiming to provide insights into student preferences and habits when it comes to digital marketing.
  • The article highlights the importance of understanding the preferences and habits of students to target them effectively with marketing campaigns.
  • The survey findings reveal that social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, are the most effective digital marketing channels for reaching students.
  • The article explains that the popularity and influence of social media platforms among students make them effective channels for engaging with this demographic.
  • Noteworthy positions taken by the author include emphasizing the importance of adapting marketing strategies to align with student preferences and highlighting the need for continuous research and understanding of evolving digital marketing trends.
  • Takeaways from the article include:
    • Social media platforms, particularly Instagram and TikTok, are highly influential in reaching and engaging students.
    • Marketers need to prioritize understanding student preferences and staying updated on digital marketing trends to effectively target this demographic.
    • Leveraging social media influencers and utilizing interactive content can enhance engagement with students.
    • Continuous research and adaptation of marketing strategies are key to maintaining relevance and effectiveness in reaching students.

💡 Survey: Instagram and TikTok 📱 are top digital channels for reaching students. Marketers must adapt to student preferences. #DigitalMarketing #StudentPreferences

Email Campaign: How to Create Emails Students Want to Read- Archer Education

Archer Education



  • The article focuses on the importance of email campaigns in higher education marketing.
  • It provides strategies and best practices for creating effective email campaigns.
  • The author discusses the benefits of personalized content, segmentation, and automation in higher ed email marketing.
  • Several case studies and success stories are highlighted to support the strategies and best practices discussed.

Background Resources:

  • The article does not cite any specific background resources.

Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author emphasizes the significance of personalization in higher ed email campaigns, stating that targeted and relevant content leads to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • The article promotes the use of segmentation to tailor messages according to the interests, behaviors, or characteristics of different student segments.
  • Automation is presented as a valuable tool to streamline email campaigns, allowing for timely and targeted communication across the student journey.


  • Email campaigns play a crucial role in higher education marketing, facilitating effective communication and engagement with prospective and current students.
  • Personalization, segmentation, and automation are key strategies for creating successful email campaigns.
  • The article highlights the benefits of personalized content, discussing its impact on engagement and conversion rates.
  • It emphasizes the importance of segmenting email lists based on student characteristics, interests, or behaviors.
  • Several case studies and success stories illustrate the strategies and best practices discussed.
  • Automation tools are presented as a valuable resource to efficiently manage and optimize email campaigns.
  • Overall, the article provides practical guidance for higher education institutions looking to enhance their email marketing efforts.

🎓⚡ Personalize, segment, automate! Learn the best strategies for higher ed email campaigns and boost student engagement! 🎓✉️ #HigherEdMarketing #EmailMarketing

Full Funnel Marketing Guide for Higher Education



  • Higher education institutions can leverage full-funnel marketing strategies to attract and retain students.
  • The top of the funnel involves building brand awareness and reaching a wide audience through channels like social media and content marketing.
  • In the middle of the funnel, institutions should focus on nurturing leads through targeted email campaigns and personalized content.
  • The bottom of the funnel is where conversions happen, and institutions should optimize their website and application process to increase enrollment.
  • It is essential to track and measure marketing efforts using key performance indicators (KPIs) and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • The article cites various resources like HubSpot and Forbes to support the recommendations.

Noteworthy positions:

  • The author emphasizes the importance of personalization and segmentation in higher education marketing.
  • The article suggests that institutions should focus on providing valuable content throughout the entire funnel to engage prospective students.


The article provides a comprehensive guide to implementing full-funnel marketing strategies in higher education. From building brand awareness to optimizing conversions, the author highlights key tactics and resources to effectively attract and retain students.


  • Higher education institutions should adopt a full-funnel marketing approach.
  • Personalization and segmentation are crucial for engaging prospective students.
  • Tracking KPIs and adjusting strategies based on data are essential for success.

🎓 Use full-funnel marketing to increase student enrollment: from awareness to conversion, personalize and measure. #HigherEducationMarketing #StudentEnrollment 📚🎯

A quick guide on marketing automation for higher education

Terminalfour Higher Education Digital Marketing Blog



  • The article provides a quick guide on marketing automation for higher education institutions.
  • It explains what marketing automation is and how it can benefit colleges and universities.
  • The author highlights key features and strategies of marketing automation in higher education.
  • The article also emphasizes the importance of personalized communication and segmenting audiences.
  • Background resources cited in the article include studies, reports, and case studies from industry experts.

Noteworthy positions taken by the author:

  • Marketing automation is seen as a valuable tool for higher education institutions to improve their marketing effectiveness and maximize results.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of using marketing automation to enhance the student journey and deliver personalized experiences.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Marketing automation allows higher education institutions to streamline their marketing processes, save time, and improve overall effectiveness.
  • Features such as lead scoring, email workflows, and personalized content can help colleges and universities engage with prospective students more effectively.
  • Segmenting audiences based on demographics, interests, and behavior allows for tailored communication and targeted campaigns.
  • By using marketing automation, higher education institutions can nurture leads, increase conversion rates, and ultimately achieve their enrollment goals.

⚡️ Enhance higher ed enrollment and engagement with marketing automation 🎓✉️. Personalize communication for better results! #HigherEdMarketing #MarketingAutomation

9 Key Enrollment and AI sessions at the 2024 RNL National Conference

Ruffalo Noel Levitz


  • The RNL National Conference is hosting several sessions on enrollment and artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Expert speakers will discuss how AI and data-driven strategies can optimize enrollment processes and improve student success.
  • Noteworthy sessions include “Leveraging AI for Personalized Recruitment and Retention,” “Predictive Modeling for Enrollment Management,” and “Ethical Considerations in AI-Driven Admissions.”
  • The conference emphasizes the importance of leveraging technology to enhance recruitment efforts and support student outcomes.
  • Background resources cited in the article include previous conference sessions, industry publications, and case studies.
  • The author highlights the growing role of AI in enrollment management and encourages professionals to explore innovative approaches.

Summary and Takeaways

  • The RNL National Conference offers valuable sessions on enrollment and AI, providing insights into how AI can transform recruitment and retention strategies.
  • Enrollment professionals can learn about predictive modeling, personalization, and ethical considerations in AI-driven admissions.
  • Leveraging AI technology can improve enrollment outcomes, increase efficiency, and enhance the overall student experience.

🎓🤖 Boost enrollment and support with AI at the 2024 RNL Conference. Expert talks on #AI and #EnrollmentManagement. Learn innovative strategies! #HigherEdConference

New Online Student Data Points to 5 Interconnected Strategies for Online Growth

Ruffalo Noel Levitz



  • The article discusses the findings of new data on online student enrollment and suggests five interconnected strategies for online growth in higher education.
  • The data reveals that online enrollment continues to grow, but at a slower rate, highlighting the need for institutions to focus on effective strategies to attract and retain online students.
  • The five strategies identified are:
    • Targeted Marketing and Outreach: Institutions should use data to identify and target specific populations for online programs through personalized marketing and outreach efforts.
    • Streamlined Application and Enrollment Processes: Simplification of the online application and enrollment processes can increase accessibility and reduce barriers for prospective students.
    • Comprehensive Student Support Services: Providing a comprehensive range of support services, such as academic advising, career counseling, and technical support, is crucial for the success and satisfaction of online learners.
    • Engaging and Interactive Online Learning: Incorporating interactive and engaging elements in online courses can enhance student participation and retention.
    • Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilizing data analytics to continuously monitor and assess the effectiveness of online programs and strategies helps institutions make informed decisions for improving online student success.

Background Resources:

  • The article does not cite any background resources.

Noteworthy Positions:

  • The author emphasizes the importance of leveraging data analytics to inform decisions on marketing, enrollment, and student support strategies for online programs.
  • The author suggests that institutions need to adopt an interconnected approach to online growth, where each strategy complements and supports the others.

Summary with Takeaways:

  • Online student enrollment is growing, but institutions need to develop targeted strategies to attract and retain students effectively.
  • Five interconnected strategies for online growth are identified: targeted marketing, streamlined application and enrollment processes, comprehensive student support services, engaging online learning experiences, and data-driven decision making.
  • Institutions should leverage data analytics and continuously assess the effectiveness of their online programs and strategies.

📚💻 Data shows 5 ways for #highered to boost online growth: targeted marketing, streamlined processes, support, engaging learning, and data-driven decisions. 🎯👩‍🎓 #OnlineEducation

Higher Education Website Design: 10 Tips With Examples

Think Orion



  • This article provides tips for designing effective websites for higher education institutions.
  • It emphasizes the importance of having a clean, user-friendly layout and navigation.
  • Other key tips include using high-quality visuals, optimizing for mobile devices, and incorporating social media integration.
  • The author suggests using clear and concise messaging to communicate the institution’s unique selling points and values.
  • Background Resources: None mentioned.
  • Noteworthy Positions: The author emphasizes the need for responsive and mobile-friendly design, as well as the importance of social media integration for higher education websites.


  • A well-designed website is essential for higher education institutions to attract and engage prospective students.
  • Clean and user-friendly layouts with intuitive navigation are crucial for a positive user experience.
  • High-quality visuals, such as professional photography, can enhance a website’s aesthetics and appeal.
  • It is important to optimize the website for mobile devices, as a significant portion of users access websites through their smartphones or tablets.
  • Integrating social media feeds and sharing options can help foster engagement and connect with a wider audience.
  • Clear and concise messaging should be used to communicate the institution’s unique selling points and values.
  • The website should provide easy access to essential information such as admissions, programs, and campus life.
  • Regularly updating content and implementing analytics to track user behavior are also recommended.


  • Higher education websites should prioritize clean, user-friendly designs and intuitive navigation.
  • High-quality visuals and mobile optimization are key aspects of successful website design.
  • Social media integration can help engage and connect with prospective students.
  • Clear messaging should communicate the institution’s unique qualities and values.
  • Regular updates and analytics tracking are necessary to ensure the website remains effective.

🖥️📱📢 Design higher education websites with clean layouts, mobile optimization, and social integration. Ensure clear messaging and updates. #HigherEducationDesign #WebsiteTips 😊✨

Higher Education Branding Best Practices With Examples

Think Orion



This article discusses the importance of branding in higher education and provides insights on how to create a unique brand identity. The author emphasizes that a strong brand can differentiate an institution and attract students, faculty, and donors. They discuss the key elements of a brand identity, such as mission, values, personality, and visuals, and provide examples of successful branding strategies in higher education. The author also highlights the role of storytelling and emotional connection in effective branding. Additionally, the article explores the challenges and opportunities in branding for higher education institutions and suggests strategies for overcoming them.

Background Resources:

The article does not cite any specific background resources.

Noteworthy Positions:

The author emphasizes the importance of branding in higher education, taking the stance that a strong brand can significantly impact an institution’s success. They argue that institutions should invest in creating a unique brand identity to attract and engage students, faculty, and donors.

The author also highlights the role of storytelling and emotional connection in branding. They suggest that institutions should focus on creating compelling narratives that resonate with their target audience, fostering an emotional attachment to the brand.

Summary and Takeaways:

  • Branding plays a crucial role in higher education, helping institutions differentiate themselves and attract stakeholders.
  • Key elements of a brand identity include mission, values, personality, and visuals.
  • Effective branding in higher education involves storytelling and emotional connection.
  • Institutions should invest in creating a unique brand identity to stand out in a competitive market.
  • Challenges in higher education branding can be overcome through strategic planning and consistent implementation.
  • Successful branding strategies in higher education can inspire other institutions to create their own unique identities.

🎓🏫 Higher education must craft unique brands to attract students and donors, using storytelling and emotional connections. #HigherEducation #BrandingTips