Higher Education Marketing Blogs Roundup  2024-01-14

Summary: The articles cover various aspects of digital marketing in the higher education sector for the year 2024. They focus on key trends, strategies, and tactics that higher education institutions should adopt to stay competitive and effectively engage students. The main themes include the importance of digital marketing conferences, personalized marketing strategies, leveraging technology and … Read more

Higher Education Marketing Blogs Roundup Nov 9, 2023

A modern university environment with a diverse group of college-age and adult students actively engaged with advanced technology. They are situated in a spacious, well-lit room that exudes a sense of innovation and collaboration. The students are utilizing laptops, tablets, and interactive screens, indicating a high-tech approach to learning and education. There's also an AI assistant in the form of a friendly robot, aiding a professor with organizational tasks on a large digital display. This setting encapsulates a futuristic and inclusive academic atmosphere, with elements that suggest a seamless integration of technology into the learning experience.

Tales of The New Higher Ed Marketing Frontier with AI, Strategic Innovation, and Generation Z Let’s look at what’s new in college and university marketing blogs. We’ve got a bunch of articles that share some cool ideas on how schools can get better at what they do. First off, there’s a piece from UPCEA talking … Read more